“Most job seekers hit the pause button during the holidays,” notes Tony Beshara, president ofDallas headhunting firm Babich & Associates, who has been an executive recruiter for 41 years. “But this can be a great time to find a new job.”
达拉斯猎头公司Babich & Associates的总裁托尼?贝什拉认为:“节日期间,大多数求职者都会暂停求职。但事实上,现在却是找工作的绝佳时机。”贝什拉已有41年猎头工作经验。
For one thing, since fewer people are actively looking, you have less #petition. Sometimes youcan wow a prospective employer just by showing up. “I had one job candidate who droppedeverything on Christmas Eve and drove to the Dallas-Fort Worth airport to meet with a hiringmanager who happened to be passing through and had a two-hour layover,” says Beshara. “Theinterviewer was so impressed by the candidate’s willingness to sacrifice his time on the night beforeChristmas, he hired the guy on the spot.”
Even diehard road warriors would rather not risk getting snowed in, or otherwise stuck, at anairport far from home for the holidays. So, during the last two weeks of the year, most people in aposition to hire you are sitting at their desks, Beshara says, “and they have lots of time to conductinterviews.”
Not only that, he adds, but “people are in a better mood at this time of year, especially if they’rehappy with their annual bonus.” At the moment, that seems more likely than not. A survey fromKorn/Ferry found that 36% of #panies are planning to give higher bonuses to their executivesthan last year, more than twice the 15% that say bonuses will shrink.
If you’ve tried and failed to get an interview with a #pany where you’d like to work,try again. Plenty of employers who have been unusually slow to bring new people on board in thefirst three quarters of 2014 may now be up against a deadline. “Some #panies know they needto hire for the first of the year, and hiring managers have been putting it off for months,” Besharaobserves. “So they’re motivated to get the process rolling.”
We’ve all heard that office parties and other holiday festivities can be a great chance tochat with people who might know of job openings, but now and then these get-togethers go way beyond networking. Beshara had one employer as a client who invited ajob seeker to the #pany’s afternoon Christmas bash, even though the candidate had not yetbeen hired. The manager then tipped quite a few glasses of holiday cheer and offered thecandidate the job.
“Unfortunately, he didn’t remember this the next day,” Beshara says. “Luckily, in his inebriatedstate, he had walked the candidate to the HR office and told them to put the offer in writing.” Ho,ho, ho.