Painting and drawing
TV program
Computer and internet
A useful website you often browse
An advertisement
A person in history
House moving
An intelligent person
A comic actor/actress
A future plan you have
A family business
A science class
A film you dislike
A TV program you like/dislike
A competition you took part in
An ancient/old building
A restaurant impressing you a lot
A place where you learnt about a new culture
An antique or old object your family has keptfor a long time
Something you saved money for
A recent change to your life
A difficult time you went through
Something you forgot (物品)/Somethingyou forgot to do(事件)
A training course you had
A subject you disliked in high school
An old man you enjoy talking to
A famous/successful person in your country
A friend you haven’t met for a longtime
Someone with an important job
A stranger who helped you/who you helped
Someone who paid you a visit at your homerecently
Favorite singer/musician/music band
A foreign place(been to/want to go to)
A city (been to/want to go to/important city inyour country)
A place you go for music
A park or garden you like
A beautiful flat or house you visited
A book( you read for many times/you want to readagain)
A photo which you are in
An important letter or email you received
A popular product made in your country
An electronic equipment (not computer) youbought for your home
A piece of clothing (in important situation)
A sport event/something good for health
A performance you watched
A conversation with a stranger
Your favorite season or time in a year
A decision taking a long time to make
A group activity you took part in
Experience of moving to a new place to live
A party you want to throw
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