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作者:城市网 来源:城市总裁吧 更新日期:2014-11-7

  1. 企业犯罪mass media, academic circle, specialized knowledge, unaware, individual, customers, illegal profit

  2. Aztec族的考古成果crops, corn, wetlands, outside the capital, storehouses and temples, common residence, precious stone

  3. 人口迁徙与语言发展gender, tones, Spanish, Japanese

  4. 原始部落考古temple walls, children and adults, teeth, fingers, bones, the big toe, homes, small stones, the ground, sugar

  5. 新西兰剪羊毛工人工资develop disease

  6. 建筑材料plastic, processing, seasoned, polished, cost, grain pattern, words, black velvet

  7. 伦敦地下情况North London, rubbish, stations, 2 million passengers, cut-and-cover

  8. 印度妇女创业vote right, money lender, social worker, cleaning materials, donation, street children, the unemployed

  9. 公司营销策略farming product, support service, financial market, clothing sector, Western Europe, South Africa, Southeast Asia, on-line shopping, cooperative loan

  10. 报纸印刷流程plate, image, rubber blanket, cut and folded, paper jam, air pump, by railway track, distribution

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