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作者:城市网 来源:城市总裁吧 更新日期:2014-10-31

  20,高收入的工作 well-paid job

  21,具有挑战性和前景的职位 challenging and promising position

  22,关心物质待遇 be concerned about material gains

  23,分担责任 share the responsibility

  24,家庭暴力 domestic violence

  25,内在素质 inner quality

  26,疲倦的 be worn out

  27,缺乏大人的陪伴 lack of adult companionship

  28,受过良好的教育 well-educated

  29,相互了解 nutual understanding

  30,要求高的工作 demanding position

  31,争取权益 struggle for rights

  32,追求职业目标 pursue their career goals

  33,基本的生活技能 basic life-skills

  34,竞争意识 competitive consciousness

  35,社会地位 social status

  36,同等对待 be equally treated

  37,职业技能 professional skill

  38,超时工作 work overtime

  39,过上体面的生活 lead a decent life

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