Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
· 生活在大城市的优缺点:信息发达,工作机会多,生活设施完善;人情淡薄. More jobs. Consummate information. Traffic jam. The communicate is so convenience.
· 生活在小城市的优缺点:温馨,安静,空气好;人们相互了解、友善;信息闭塞;没有好工作. Fresh air. Quiet. Friendliness. We know each other. No good job . Consummate education.
· 陈述自己的偏好(可以采取"it depends"的策略,不同的阶段有不同的偏好)
(3)大城市的娱乐也更多,如电影院,博物馆等等。 Entertainment . For instance:cinema,museum,etc.
"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your
参考分析:Opportunity very often depends on luck.
· nothing是一个绝对词,所以,不能完全同意也不能完全不同意。选择“很大程度上同意”。
· 指出luck确实存在
· 指出可能导致人们成功的若干原因:诚实、睿智、幽默;执着;肯于做不喜欢的事情[27];
(1)先肯定努力是成功不可或缺的一部分。 Although success comes a lot from hard work, hard work is not the only key factor for Success
(3)别人帮助可以根本不费努力而成功 other people help us that so easy for success.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
· 不能完全同意。"same"是一件做不到的事情。
· 普通大学,应该或更多的钱在图书馆上
· 体育专科大学,当然应该花更多的钱在体育设施上
· 资金分配的重要原则:产出应该大于投入
· 大学的办学原则:要better brains;也要better bodies.
相关题目:[Related Topic: 147. Some relevant issues about public investments: 1) investment vs. profit; 2) immediate needs vs. long-term benefits; 3) profit-making organization vs. nonprofit-making organization. Topics about money allocation: 11. 19. 56. 95. 100. 167*) personal attitudes of money: 32. 33. 48. 53. 131. 173. 177. 185.]
资金分配问题:资金的有效运用(efficiency of money allocation)的重要体现是投入产出比(input-output ratio)。即便是nonprofit-making organization也要保证资金的投入产出的平衡(balance of input and output)。