作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-18
口语复述的实质是将听到的和看到的话语用自己的话以口头方式再转达出来。“直接引述”是直接引用说话人的原话,而要用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来就称为“间接转述”。托福口语考试中一般应采用“间接转述”的方法:针对特定问题,用自己的话把读到、听到的对话内容或演讲内容再重复出来。对考生来说,这当然是一个更高层次的要求。因为,首先要听得懂、读得懂别人的观点,其次才能在此基础上进行加工处理,变为自己的语言再陈述出准确意思来。这时候,“善于把别人的东西据为己有”就不再是一个“恶劣的行径”了。此时此刻,它将转化为一个极为有效的、甚至是高效的手段,以此来达到“借鸡下蛋”的目的。 请看下面几例: 例1:My mother said: “I'm so tired that I don't want to cook. Shall we eat out tonight?” →My mother said that she was so tired that she didn't want to cook and she suggested that we should eat out that day. 例2:Tom said: “I've already seen the film.” →Tom said that he had already seen the film. 间接转述应注意以下几点规则: ⑴ 在转述的引语前一般要用连词that:(如例1、例2所示); ⑵ 要根据意思改变人称(如例4所示); ⑶ 当要转述的言语为连贯的话语时,应用go on(继续),continue(接着),add(补充)等,以及各种引述动词,如:note(指明),remark(谈及) ⑷ 间接转述不是重复原话,因此,时态要有所变动。一般来讲,现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时。指示代词、地点及时间状语也要作必要改动。这种改动大致可参照下表进行。 在直接引语中在间接引语中 指示代词this (place) these (places)that (place) those (places) 时间状语now today, tonight this week (month, etc.) yesterday last week (month, etc.) two days (a year, etc. ) ago tomorrow next week (month, etc.)then that day, that night that week (month, etc.) the day before, the previous day the week (month, etc.) before two days (a year, etc.) before (earlier) the next (following) day the next (following) week (month, etc.) 表地点的词herethere 动词#e, bringgo, take