action figure (仿真)玩具人,活动人
activewear 运动服
例: Lauren has been making activewear and basics like jeans and leather jackets for almost a quarter of a century.
activity 经营项目, 经营业务
例: The main activities of the #pany are manufacturing #puter #ponents and direct retailing to consumers
Achilles’ heel 原意为阿基里斯的脚踵,引申为致命弱点
例: However, an Achilles’ heel can usually be found that allows the headhunter to persuade them that they are, in fact, wanting to change.
acid test 决定性的考验
例: The acid test is whether or not somebody will actually buy the product.
add-on 附加装置(可以是硬件或软件,目的为改进或增加功能),附加部分,亦作add-in
例1:It’s better to use a #puter with add-on/in.
例2:Various add-ons/ins can be purchased to increase the output of the machine.
address 1 满足(需求)
例:Every effort is made to address costomer needs.
address 2 作正式讲话,发表演说,向……汇报
例:The media relations manager addressed shareholders prior to the #pany’s merger with a Swedish #pany.
address 3 处理,解决
例:In an attempt to address this problem, major banks are about to offer start-up packages to assist new business.
address book 通讯簿
例:Mke sure you have everybody’s name in your address book.