作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-30
A:Tom, is Jenny crying? Tom, Jenny是不是在哭? B:Can you take he away from me? 你能把她弄走吗? A:I'm just #ing for that. 就来。 B:She kept bothering me. 她不停地烦我。 A:She's your sister. What she asked was onlyduck soupfor you. Why can't you be good to her? 她是你的妹妹。她的要求只不过是一桩小事。你怎么就不迁就她一下呢? B:But I am her brother, not her servant. 可我是她哥哥,不是她的仆人。 地道表达: cluck soup 轻而易举的小事 支持范例: Eg. My new boss isduck soup, but his wife is difficult to handle. 我的新老板是个好胡弄的人,但他的妻子却很难对付。 Eg. I can't kill a duck, But it'sduck soupto a cook. 我不会宰鸭,而这对厨师来说是易如反掌的事 Eg. Winning this game is going to beduck soup. 赢得这场比赛是轻而易举的事。 Eg. That vocabulary test wasduck soup. 那次词汇测试真是小菜一碟。 词海拾贝: 1.take sb away from:把某人带走 Eg. If a man empty his purse into his head, no man cantake it away fromhim. 如果倒空钱袋,追求知识把它们装入脑袋,那就无人能够把它们夺走。 Eg. He was at that moment ready to kill anyone who touched this girl, who tried to claim her, takeher away from him. 此刻,谁要是摸摸这个姑娘,谁要是企图占有这个姑娘,把她从他的身边拉去,那他马上可以结果了这个人。 Eg. The party was an orgy. Olivier became drunk and quarrelsome. Edouard led him from the room, and Olivier, ashamed, Begged his uncle totake him away. 晚会成了一场毫无节制的狂欢作乐。奥利维尔喝醉酒,逢人就吵。爱德华带他离开那间屋子;奥利维尔感到羞愧难当,要求叔叔带他离开。 2.#e for:为……而来 Eg. Did the driver#e for youin a new big shiny auto? 有个司机开一部大型闪亮的新车来接你吗? Eg. We have asked the Conrads to#e for dinner on Friday evening. 我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。 Eg. About noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree; they had#e for their tools. 大约在第二天中午,这两个孩子来到了那棵枯树跟前,他们是来取那两件家伙的。 Eg. Please#e for your mailwhenever it's convenient. 方便的时候来取你的邮件。 3.be good to:对……友善 Eg. By and large, the #pany'sbeen pretty good tome. 总的来说, 公司对我一直很好。 Eg. Iwas so good tohim; I never crossed him. 我对他那么慈爱,从来不违拗他。 Eg. Hewasalwaysgood tothem and made sure that they had plenty of food. 他待他们一直很好,保证让大伙吃饱。 Eg. Shewas very good tothe children. 她对孩子们非常慈爱。