作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-30
迷你对话: A:Where is Tom? Tom去哪儿呢? B:He is in the bedroom and fallen asleep. 他在卧室睡着了。 A:What? It's only 9:00 p.m. Now. Why today he went to bed so early? 什么?现在才晚上9点钟,怎么他今天睡得这么早? B:He ran four miles and came backdead beat. 他跑了四英里,回来精疲力尽了。 A:Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。 地道表达:dead beat 解词释义:此成语是俚语,是exhausted to the point of being dead的省略语。Beat是beaten(精疲力尽或精神沮丧)的古体词;而dead是死的,它是death(死亡)苏格兰方言。因此,dead beat就是指“精疲力尽的人”,还可以说为“赖账的人”或“手头拮据的人”。 支持范例: Eg. We ran five miles, and came backdead beat. 我们跑了5英里,回来时累得要死。 Eg. The long - distance runner wasdead beatas he crossed the finishing line. 长跑运动员在冲过终点线时已筋疲力。 Eg. He wasdead beatafter a day's work. 一天工作下来,他累垮了。 Eg. I' m dead beat after going through all this mass of details of the case ! 我看完这一大堆这个案件的所有细节后简直快累死了! 词海拾贝: 1.fall asleep:睡着 Eg. He tried tofall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him. 他试着睡去,可是一种不安的感觉牵扯着他。 Eg. I could notfall asleepfor a long time. 我久久不能入睡。 Eg. The soft music caused us to tofall asleep. 催眠音乐使我们昏昏欲睡。 2.go to bed:睡觉,就寝 Eg. I shall have a hot bath andgo to bed. 我要去洗个热水澡,然后睡觉。 Eg. There is nothing to do, so I may as wellgo to bed. 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。 Eg. Don't forget to latch the door before yougo to bed. 睡觉前别忘了闩门。 Eg. I'm a night owl and seldomgo to beduntil after midnight. 我睡得很晚,经常半夜后才睡觉。 3.in the bedroom:在卧室,在寝室 Eg. The little boy littered the booksin the bedroom. 那个小男孩在卧室里把书乱扔。 Eg. The students usually gas awayin the bedroom. 学生们通常在寝室里空谈。 Eg. She has an extension in the kitchen andin the bedroom. 她的厨房和卧室都有电话分机。 Eg. We hung rose curtainsin the bedroom. 我们卧室挂的是玫瑰色窗帘。