作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-29
Lesson 13 Comets 彗星 In recent scientific investigation of #ets has increased because of a growing interest in the origin of the sun and planets. 近年来,由于对太阳和行星的起源兴趣浓厚,人们对彗星进行了更广泛的科学调查。 Scientists want to learn how #ets #e into being. 科学家们想了解彗星是怎么形成的。 They think that such information will help to explain the origin of the solar system. 他们认为这方面的研究有助于解释太阳系的成因。 The word “#et” #es from Greek and it means a “hairy object”. 彗星一词城市网于希腊语,意为“长发的物体”。 In history #ets have a special place. 彗星在历史上占有特殊的地位。 People believed that they brought news of death, destruction, or military victories. 人们认为彗星预示着死亡毁灭或胜利凯旋。 The tails of #ets provide viewers with spectacular sights at night. 彗星的尾巴在夜空中堪称奇观。 Comet tails are millions of kilometers long. 彗尾的长度可达数百万公里。 There is a written record of a #et as early as 1770 B.C. 早在公元前1770年就有关于彗星的文字记载。 The Chinese kept careful records and so did the Babylonians. 中国人和巴比伦人对彗星做了详细的纪录。 Aristotle was interested in #ets. 亚里士多德对彗星很感兴趣, He thought that they began as burning gases in the earth's atmosphere. 他认为彗星最初是地球大气中燃烧的气体。 The most famous #et in history is called Halley's #et. 历史上最着名的彗星叫作哈雷彗星, Which appears every 75.5 years. It was named for Edmond Halley. an English scientist. 他成功预测了他去世后16年,即1758年哈雷彗星的出现。 He predicted the appearance of the #et in 1758, sixteen years after his death. 他成功预测了他去世后16年,即1758年哈雷彗星的出现。 Halley's #et is extremely bright and has two tails. Its latest return was in 1986. 璀璨明亮的哈雷彗星有两条彗尾,最近一次回归是在1986年。 A Second Solar System 第二个太阳系 Scientists have found a second solar system in the universe. 科学家在宇宙中发现了第二个太阳系。 What's the second solar system? 什么是第二个太阳系? It's just a system like ours-with a star and a number of planets going around it. 就跟我们的太阳系一样,有一个恒星和围着恒星转的几颗行星。 Is this good news or bad news? 这是好事还是坏事? It's exciting news! 这是激动人心的消息。 If we find a second solar system, we might find a second earth! 如果我们能发现第二个太阳系,兴许就能发现第二个地球。 You mean with people on it? 你是说上面有人住的? Yes! Isn't that exciting? 对啊。这难道还不让人激动吗? A Second Solar System 第二个太阳系 Scientists have found a second solar system in the universe. 科学家在宇宙中发现了第二个太阳系。 What's the second solar system? 什么是第二个太阳系? It's just a system like ours-with a star and a number of planets going around it. 就跟我们的太阳系一样,有一个恒星和围着恒星转的几颗行星。 Is this good news or bad news? 这是好事还是坏事? It's exciting news! 这是激动人心的消息。 If we find a second solar system, we might find a second earth! 如果我们能发现第二个太阳系,兴许就能发现第二个地球。 You mean with people on it? 你是说上面有人住的? Yes! Isn't that exciting? 对啊。这难道还不让人激动吗?