作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-29
于丹说,物质的东西越多,人就越容易迷惑。本真的快乐,与物质无关,而是来自心灵的富足,来自于一种教养,来自于对理想的憧憬,也来自于与良朋益友的切磋与交流。你的“快乐物质比”是多少呢? The joy-to-stuff ratio is basically the time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods. There's no point in working 7 days a week doing extra jobs during the weekend to have no time to enjoy yourself. “快乐物质比”是一个人花在享受生活的时间和积累物质财富的时间比。一周七天甚至周末都在做额外的工作,没有时间好好享受是毫无意义的。 You're not really spending money when you spend money, you're spending the life energy you put into earning that money. You only have so much life energy. What do you want to use it for? Commuting? Shopping sprees? Going for walks? Playing with your children? Serving your #munity? Taking that question seriously does wonders for one's joy-to-stuff ratio, decreasing stuff, increasing joy. 当你花钱的时候并不是真的在花钱,而是在花费你为了赚这些钱所付出的精力。生命精力是有限的。你想要拿它来干什么?乘公交车上下班?疯狂购物?散散步?跟孩子玩耍?为社区服务?认真对待这些问题,你的快乐物质比就会奇迹般地改善,物质减少,快乐增加。 后续:大家在忙工作的同时,别忘了享受生活,这样的生活才会变得更加有意义!