作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-29
有时候我们都比较坚持已见,更想得到他人的认可,那如何让别人也同意你的观点,影响他人的决定呢? Liking:It's much easier to influence someone who likes you. 让人家喜欢你:要影响一个喜欢你的人的决定比影响一个不喜欢你的人要容易多了。 Social proof:People like to follow one another, so influencers imply the herd is moving the same way. 社交认同:大家比较喜欢随大流,所以你可以暗示对方别人都是这么做的。 Consistency:Most people prefer to keep their word. If people make a #mitment, particularly if it's out loud or in writing, they are much more likely to keep it. Influencers should try to gain verbal or written #mitments. 言行一致:大部分人都想要成为一个说到做到的人。如果他们做出了承诺,特别是大声宣布过或者将它写下来过,他们则更会想要去兑现它。如果你想影响他人的决定,那么你最好是拿到人家的口头或是书面的承诺。 Authority:People are strongly influenced by experts. Successful influencers flaunt their knowledge to establish their expertise. 权威效应:普通人很容易受专家影响。一个成功的对他人有影响力的人会向他人展示自己的知识来营造他们这种权威效应。 Reciprocity:Give something to get something. When people feel indebted to you they are more likely to agree to what you want. This feeling could arise from something as simple as a #pliment. 互惠原则:要得到某些东西必须要有付出。当别人觉得欠了你一些什么的时候,他们就会比较愿意让你如愿。恭维就能够达到这种效果。